There will also be a possibility to fix your broken item or have your bicycle checked. If your kettle, curler, or toaster doesn’t work as it should you can book a repair. For all of you who would like to repair clothing items (change a zipper, alter the length of your trousers, or fix a ripped pocket in your favourite jacket…) you have the chance to do so too! Please remember that the repairs might take some time so it’s better to be there earlier.
- Reuse and repair pop-up events allow you to:
- donate items you don’t need
- take items you need
- book to repair clothes
- free Dr. Bike session – first come, first serve – so come earlier;
- Hackney Fixers
For more information on items that you can donate to the Give & Take repairable items, and booking to repair electrical items, please visit Hackney’s Zero Waste Hub HERE
Hackneys Zero Waste Hub
The Environmental Impact
These events divert hundreds of kilograms of unwanted goods from landfills and incineration, instead finding happy new homes with the people who take them.